Friday 7 October 2011

Just a quick update, I guess.

I let my mum and dad read my synopsis. My dad says it's "grim", but my mum likes it. :)

I have a quick question though; I already asked this on Twitter and I got one reply which gave me a bit of hope, but I'm kinda hoping to get a wee bit more insight on here (140 characters on Twitter doesn't leave much room for thought, eh?)

So, here's my questions;

1. Should I write my novel in 1st or 3rd person? With some aspects of it I can see it being better written in first person, but in other aspects, I see it being better written in third. Which you prefer?

2. Taking the above into account, how would other people feel about reading a novel where the first chapter is in 1st person, second chapter in 3rd, third chapter in 1st, fourth chapter in 3rd, and so on? Think about it for any kind of novel - not just mine (or not even mine, if you like). How would you, as a reader, feel about reading a novel set like that? Do you think it would be confusing, or would it add to the story?

So yeah, if any of you amazing guys could get back to me on that one, I'd much appreciate it :)




Catherine Noble said...

Aww I wish I could help you with this dilemma, which I am going through myself. If the son is the main character, you could do it from his POV, then have little snippets of the parent's POV, or of anyone who is integral to your story?

Here is an article I'm just about to look at; I hope it serves us both well:

Melissa said...

I've always heard that switching first person to third person can be a bit tricky because it tends to confuse people, but if you can find a way to make it work, you should definitely go for it.

Third person is a bit easier on readers. Someone once told me that readers prefer it nowadays. Where they heard that I have no idea haha.

Dan said...

Take a look at Veniss Underground by Jeff Vandermeer if you get the chance. He uses three viewpoint characters. One uses the third person POV, one the second, and one the first. I thought it gave each character's story a distinct feel.

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