Sunday 25 September 2011

Where do you all find the time?

I want to know; where do you all find the time to write?

I'm not saying I'm by any means a busy person - in fact, I lead quite a lazy life right now. I don't work (often - I'm self-employed), I'm only in college 2 days a week right now, I don't have children or other people to look after, I don't go to groups or anything like that - I just never can seem to find the time to write these days. And I don't know why. Because I do nothing.

From about November onwards (Just as NaNo starts... great) I'm going to be in college 2 days a week and a college placement 2 days a week. The thought TERRIFIES me. I really want to succeed at NaNo and I'm scared by two days more of extra "doing stuff". It's stupid! There are people doing NaNo, and even best-selling authors, who hold down a full time job, look after the kids, make dinners left right and centre, tidy the house daily, attend a night class, and STILL find the time to bang out a cracking amount of words a day. How do you do it?

Between sleeping, eating, occasional college work and showering, I just can't seem to find the time.

Maybe it has something to do with my other half.

You see, I have a problem. I spend a LOT of time with my other half, at his house. Well, technically speaking, his parents' house.

I cannot, for any amount of money, write a single sentence when there are other people in the room. Yes, even someone I trust and love as much as my other half. He's my everything, my rock, my baba, but I just cannot write with him about.

Does anyone else have this problem?

So, MY problem is that I spend too much time with my other half to find the time to write. Sure, easy to solve, just stop spending so much time together, right? WRONG. I'm quite happy to spend time apart, but my other half, he constantly wants me to be with him. And I don't mind that, I really don't. But if I so much as hint at going home for the night to do some work, the huff that ensues just... isn't worth dealing with 90% of the time.

Is it time I just suck it up and let him get on with his little huff-puffs?

I'm going to have to if I want any chance at succeeding with NaNo.

Advice please? :(


Anna Scott Graham said...

I make a point of working when my husband is gone. But I have the liberty of the day to myself, which I know is blessed. So advice... Well, carving time to write isn't easy for most. I wrote my first novel (NaNo 2006) while homeschooling three teens, all of us sharing one laptop. I managed 100K that November, it's all a matter making the most of those moments. I'd like to tell you to say to your other half, "Babe, I NEED to do this." If he huffs, well... Jeez dude.

I won't say to tell him to get over it, as I don't know him, or you, just what I read in this post. What I read in this post is someone who wants to write, but certain obstacles hinder. It takes a LOT of discipline at times, because life constantly intrudes. But writing won't happen without butt in chair time. Or butt on the sofa, or on the boyfriend's sofa or in someplace where you can think. When my husband and/or kids are around, in go the earbuds, piping jazz to my brain. It drowns out even the most annoying rubbish they find on television, allowing me the space to do this thing.

Long long, I know. I'm verbose, but my point is you want to write. Does he fully realize this? If you can make it perfectly, or even somewhat clear, maybe that's enough. Good luck.

Eryn Kurowski said...

I am kind of the same way. When I lived at home, I could not write around people for the life of me. And with my husband, I'm a little edgy about it. The words that come out can be so raw sometimes and you don't need someone to breathe down your neck (even if whoever is there is doing something else). I've heard of those crazy people who get up early in the morning to write, but there is no way I could do that. I would die. I am so much more a night person than an early morning person. But try and set aside a time to write. An hour before class and an hour before you see your other half and an hour before you go to bed. Or whatever increments you want.

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